Weather forecasts
TZ Coastal Monitoring offers free and unlimited access to our weather server. Weather forecasts can be received by email and/or Internet.
Please find below the different types of forecast we provide for free:
Data type | Coverage info | Coverage | Resolution | DL per day | Source |
Wind |
World |
90°N/90°S/0° - 360° |
0.5°x0.5° 1.00°x1.00° |
every 6 hours |
Pressure |
World |
90°N/90°S/0° - 360° |
0.5°x0.5° 1.00°x1.00° |
every 6 hours |
Waves |
World (oceanic only) |
78°N/78°S/0° - 360° |
1.00°x1.25° |
every 6 hours |
WW3 World |
Currents |
World (north limited) |
47.04°N/78.64°S/0° - 360° |
0.08°x0.08° |
once day |
Geo. Height |
World |
90°N/90°S/0° - 360° |
0.5°x0.5° 1.00°x1.00° |
every 6 hours |
Air Temp |
World |
90°N/90°S/0° - 360° |
0.5°x0.5° 1.00°x1.00° |
every 6 hours |
Clouds |
World |
90°N/90°S/0° - 360° |
0.5°x0.5° 1.00°x1.00° |
every 6 hours |
Rain / Snow |
World |
90°N/90°S/0° - 360° |
0.5°x0.5° 1.00°x1.00° |
every 6 hours |
Real Time Weather
In addition to the weather forecasts, TZ Coastal Monitoring is able to receive data coming from a Weather Station in order to receive real time weather information (Wind Speed and Direction, Air temperature, Atmospheric Pressure)
Digital data will be then displayed on the Navdata bar on the right side of the screen.
Here is an example of ultra sound Furuno Weather Station: WS200